Capacity Building and Training

Training and workshops in education, statistics, data collection, EMIS systems, mathematics, English, institutional strengthening, strategic planning, conflict mitigation, community mobilization, group dynamics, leadership, negotiations, and communication.

Capacity building has included counterparts, ministerial staff, NGO and INGO staff, formal and informal training, mentoring, on-line distance training, technical assistance, workshops, practical hands-on experience, and peer teaching and learning.

Training needs assessments for academic and non-academic staff for educational and organizational programs.

Examples of experience in specific capacity building interventions include the following:

  • 2019 Global – Evaluation of the SDG4 Pilot Capacity Development for Education in 11 countries (UNESCO)
  • 2014-2015 Pakistan – Capacity Building for the Independent Monitoring Unit of PERSI stabilization project to counter violent extremism (USAID Office of Transition Initiatives)
  • 2014-2015 Indonesia – Education Analytical and Capacity Development Partnership (ADB)
  • 2014 Kenya – Performance Evaluation of the National Health Capacity Building Program (USAID)
  • 2012 Papua New Guinea – Impact Evaluation of G8 University Volunteer Exchange and Partnership Program (AusAID)
  • 2010 Mongolia – Technical Vocational Education and Training Competitive Grants Program (MCC)
  • 2009 Sudan/Darfur – Nutrition and Food Security Study (Global Relief Alliance)
  • 2007 Afghanistan – Local Governance and Community Development (USAID)
  • 2006-2007 Liberia – Performance Evaluation of the Institutional Support Program (EU)
  • 2006 Sudan – Revision of UNDP Poverty Alleviation Governance Program (Danida)
  • 2006 South Sudan – EQUIP2 Sudan Technical Advisors Project (USAID)
  • 2004-2005 Liberia – Accelerated Learning for Out-of-School Youth (USAID)
  • 2003-2004 Iraq – Accelerated Learning for Out-of-School Youth (USAID)
  • 2003 Nepal – Teacher Education Project
  • 2001-2003 Kashmir – Northern Education Project: Educational Planning and Curriculum Development
  • 2002 Afghanistan – Capacity Building of the Ministry of Higher Education (ADB)
  • 1999 China – Establishment of Partnering Projects for Education and Business (Monash University & La Trobe Municipal Council)
  • 1986 Papua New Guinea – Teacher Training in Mathematics and English (Wewak Teachers’ College)


2014-2015 Pakistan – Capacity Building for the Independent Monitoring Unit of PERSI stabilization project to counter violent extremism (USAID Office of Transition Initiatives)

Consultancy in M&E and Research to build the capacity of the Independent Monitoring Unit (IMU) for the USAID-funded Pakistan Expanded Regional Stabilization Initiative (PERSI) to counter violent extremism. The consultancy included four trips to Pakistan for workshops, training and mentoring, as well as on-going remote advice, to develop a results-based logframe and M&E Plan, review a survey questionnaire database, advice on data collection methodologies and instrument design, sampling techniques, analysis techniques, data quality assurance, and reporting formats. As the IMU was developing and changing rapidly, with increasing workloads, the training included management, leadership, time management, task management, and communications, as well as the restructure of work teams and their duties.

2006 South Sudan – EQUIP2 Sudan Technical Advisors Project (USAID)

During the 2006 South Sudan USAID Equip2 Technical Advisors Project, as Chief of Party and direct adviser to the Minister of Education, the consultancy supported the rebuilding of the ministry in conjunction with the Government of Sudan and the Government of South Sudan. The first step resulted in the “Annual Education Census and EMIS Situational Analysis” for the Ministry of Education. This involved a school and household census. The outcome was a restructure the ministry and redefined human resource and departmental capabilities, as well as decentralization of departments.

The consultancy also involved building the capacity of directors of the following departments: Quality Promotion and Innovation; Gender and Social Change; Budget and Planning. This support, and the development of an M&E system for all departments and a Strategic Plan for the ministry as a whole, provided learnings from which to recruit teachers, plan for decentralization, open schools in appropriate regions, devise relevant formal, non-formal, accelerated, literacy and numeracy, and adult education programs, as well as funding models and donor coordination schemes.

See also: Communication and training philosophy statement