Child Labor and Human Trafficking

Examples of experience as a child labor, labor exploitation, and human trafficking specialist include the following specific assignments:

  • 2022 Ghana – Interim Evaluation of the Forced Labor Indicators Project (USDOL)
  • 2021 North Macedonia – Final Evaluation of Civic Engagement Project (USAID)
  • 2021 Georgia – Interim Evaluation of Labor Law Enforcement project (USDOL)
  • 2021 Bangladesh – Final Performance Evaluation of  the Countering Trafficking-in-Persons project (USAID)
  • 2020 Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan – Final Performance Evaluation of the Dignity and Rights program in Central Asia (USAID)
  • 2018 Cambodia – Mid-term Performance Evaluation of Countering Trafficking in Person (USAID)
  • 2013 Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, Vietnam – Performance Evaluation of Project Childhood for Child Sexual Exploitation in the Travel and Tourism Sector (CSETT) (AusAID/DFAT)
  • 2013 Nepal – Impact Evaluation of Child Labor New Path New Steps Project (USDOL)
  • 2011 Nepal – Performance Evaluation of Child Labor New Path New Steps Project (USDOL)
  • 2010 Global – Income Generating Activities to Combat Child Labor (USDOL)
  • 2009 India – Preventing and Eliminating Child Labor in India (USDOL/ILO)
  • 2008-2009 Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda and Ethiopia – Evaluation of KURET Child Labor Program (USDOL)
  • 2008 Liberia – Performance Evaluation of CYCLE Child Labor Elimination through Education Project (USDOL)
  • 2008 Sierra Leone – Performance Evaluation of CYCLE Child Labor Elimination through Education Project (USDOL)

2010 Global – Income Generating Activities to Combat Child Labor (USDOL)

USDOL and ILO commissioned consultancy to conduct a joint research paper of income generating and micro-financing activities for families as a potential strategy for combating trafficking and child labor. The research culminated in a synthesis report of 162 USDOL and ILO child labor reports from 2004-2010 in English, French, and Spanish from 75 countries. Nvivo was used for a qualitative data analysis to determine trending issues and key results.

2013 Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, Vietnam – Performance Evaluation of Project Childhood for Child Sexual Exploitation in the Travel and Tourism Sector (CSETT) (AusAID/DFAT)

Child sexual exploitation in the travel and tourism sector (CSETT) evaluation was conducted in the Mekong Sub-Region (Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, and Lao PDR) in collaboration with AusAID, the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) and INTERPOL.